You may have heard the saying before that “laughter is the best medicine” but did you know that laughter really does improve your health? There is scientific evidence on the medical benefits of laughter. For instance, when you laugh, your body releases endorphins which helps to improve your mood. Laughing relieves stress and it helps to strengthen your immune system, as well. So, put on your funny pants and get ready to laugh at these funny cruise jokes.
Laughing is good not only for your health, but also for your relationships. Laughter has the power to strengthen bonds between people. So, get ready for your kids to ask for “one more” joke and be sure to bookmark this list of cruise jokes for easy reference.
You ready? Let’s go!
Cruise Jokes about the Ocean
Joke #1: What is the strongest creature in the sea? (Muscles)
Joke #2: Who keeps the ocean clean? (Mer-maid)
Joke #3: Why are pirates called pirates? (Because they arrrrrrrrrrr!)
Joke #4: What is a pirate’s favourite letter in the alphabet? (The “C”.)
Joke #5: What’s the difference between a piano and a fish? (You can’t tuna fish.)
Joke #6: Where do ghosts go swimming in the USA? (Lake Eeerie.)
Joke #7: What is the most expensive fish in the ocean? (Gold Fish.)
Joke #8: What did the ocean say to the passengers aboard the cruise ship? (Nothing. It just waved.)
Joke #9: Why did the fish blush? (It saw the ocean’s bottom.)
Joke #10: What is the worst vegetable to bring on a cruise ship? (A Leek.)
Joke #11: Why were the cruise passengers afraid to buy a new hat? (They were afraid of cap-sizing.)
Joke #12: Why does the captain eat so many carrots? (To sea better.)
Joke #13: Where did the late cruise ship passenger go? (Missed-his-shippi)
Joke #14: Why don’t sharks like fast food? (They can’t catch it.)
Joke #15: What do sea monsters eat? (Fish and ships.)
Joke #16: What is it like to work on a cruise ship? (It has its ups and downs.)
Joke #17: Why did the cruiser bring a suitcase full of spices on the trip? (To add some flavour to the vacation.)
Joke #18: Why did the cruiser start a collection of souvenir magnets? (To attract memories from each location.)
Joke #19: Why did the tomato turn red on the cruise ship? (It saw the salad dressing).
Joke #20: Where do sick cruise passengers go? (The doc.)
Joke #21: What do you call competing cruise lines? (Battleships.)
Joke #22: How do you make a tissue dance on a cruise ship? (Put a little boogie in it.)
Sometimes it is the laughter of children hearing these silly cruise jokes that creates a spiral effect. The more they laugh, the more you laugh, and so on, and so on.

The best thing about laughing is that it is free!! So be generous with your smiles and tell a joke to make someone else smile, too.
Do you know what a Poop Deck is? Find out what it is before you sail in my article all about Poop Decks.
Do you have a favourite funny cruise joke? I’d love to hear it. Please share it in the comments below.
Sea you soon!!
Until next time,